Classification and Basis of Classification

“Classification means to put things into groups or classes according to some similar characteristics/level.“
To maintain discipline and deliver good education, classification of students is very important. In classifying the pupil the integrating function and differentiating functions must be kept in mind. Trough it the student considers himself in accordance with the integrating functions rather than grades, groups or year.
i) The Integrating Functions:
The integrating functions must be recognized to give the student knowledge, skills and appreciation. The school should teach common understanding, ideals, knowledge and skills to make them enable to live together with full recognition of their mutual responsibilities and obligations.
ii) Differentiating Functions:
We know that individual differences exist in different children. The individuals are unlike not only physically but in many other characteristics. Therefore individual differences must be considered as an important part of the education system. The study of abilities and characteristics of each pupil is necessary to teach him.
Basis of Classification:
Basis of classification is different at different levels e.g primary, elementary, secondary and exceptional pupil.
Basis of Classification at Pre-Primary Level:
Chronological age has been the chief basis of classification at the pre-primary level within larger group. However, small groups have been organized around the maturity of the child, physical or social attributes and other factors.
Basis of Classification at Elementary Level:
In classifying children in the elementary school, the basis most commonly used are chronological, mental, educational, social age, intelligence quotient and teacher’s judgment.
Basis of Classification at Secondary Level:
The principles and practices discussed in elementary and pre-primary level have equal application to the classification of the pupils on the secondary level. Grouping of pupils in the secondary school occurs through election, or assignment to specific courses of study, as academic, scientific, commercial and vocational curricula.
Classification of Exceptional Pupil:
Special consideration should be given when classifying the pupils who vary markedly from the normal groups. Variation may be of a physical, mental, social or emotional nature. Special classes may be arranged to care for accelerated or retarded groups, gifted children or any other who come within this classification.
