Supervision and Supervisory role of Head Teacher in School Administration

Supervision of instruction is the set of activities designed to improve the teaching-learning process. The purpose of supervision is neither to make judgments about the competence of teachers nor to control them but rather to work cooperatively with them.
Supervision in schools is concerned with the direct improvement of the work process, not with bureaucratic control of subordinates. Consequently, supervision in schools is viewed as a collaborative professional process among colleagues.
Supervisory role of Head Teacher:
The major functions supervised by school Head Teacher can be described as follows:
This is actually a study of school conditions, to discover problems or defects of the students, teachers, equipment, school curriculum, objectives and methods. This could be done via actual observation, educational tests, conference, questionnaires and checklists.
This has something to do to remedy the weaknesses of the solution to solve problems discovered. The supervisor should conduct research to discover means, methods and procedure fundamental to the success of supervision. The solutions discovered are then passed on the teachers.
This is acquainting teachers with solutions discovered in research through training. Training may take the form of demonstration teaching, workshops, seminars, classroom observations, individual or group conferences, professional classes or the use of bulletin board and circulars, and writing suggestions.
Guidance involved personal help given by someone. It is the function of supervision to stimulate, direct, guide and encourage the teachers to apply instructional procedures, techniques, principles and devices.
As an ultimate function of supervision, evaluation appraises the outcomes and the factors conditioning the outcomes of instructions and to improve the products and processes of instructions.
